Senin, 05 September 2016

When, i am in college i want to?
Let me intoduce myself, My name is Virgiawan Listanto. However, i was called Aldo. I was born in Tangerang on 28 July 1998. I currently reside in Tangerang. I was the second of two brother. Recently, i entered university. I was accepted at the University of Jakarta. Now, i was part of the University of Jakarta in Management Marketing program study.
Currently, i’ll tell you what would i do in college. First, i want to do is learn and i wolud seek to identify about college by following a event held in the college. And then,  i want to become a more disciplined, like come on time, wear neat clothes, eat regulary, maintain health, and organize activities to be carried out. I also want to do activities to learn well and expect to achieve the best value. I had to study harder before, because i was lazy. However, I must know my time to rest. I want to follow various organizations such as UKO,KOPMA,KSEI,KSPA and more. I want to know more than ever with the way I read a lot of books are not just books about management but various books on anything , look for a lot of friends , do a variety of formal and informal discussions. I wanted to try my best to get the best value , so that I can make my family and I am proud of the results I have achieved. I want to improve the ability to speak English because the English language is very useful for life and to improve my skills in the academic field.
I am interested in some organizations, one of which is KOPMA and I am interested to follow, in KOPMA, i will be taught to follow the activities of cooperatives. I will also save money in Kopma, in KOPMA also no deductions or administrative costs so that it can benefit me. Besides Kopma , I also wanted to follow the Student Art Unit (UKM).  Therefore, I am very interested in art. Although I do not have the talent to be an art . But, I will try to do well. I also want to enter the HIMA organization , because I was part of a student of management . So I have to contribute to the organization HIMA. And it's only organization that I wanted to follow for the moment. Perhaps , on another occasion I will enter another organization.
In academic terms, I also want to finish it on time is 3 years and I hope to pass. I would not have wasted time. I will maximize the use of my time as possible . I know that doing the above is not easy. Could be, more difficult than I imagined . But , I need to focus and steadfast in carrying out such activities. I know will face a number of activities and also I will join the organization. Following the organization is in fact not a barrier to getting achievement in academics.
So the bottom line is I do not want to waste time and take advantage of this lecture time and get a lot of experience and become a better person. I hope that all who have been in the plan can become a reality. And also, I believe the hard work that I did not betray. Maybe this time it was all unthinkable in my mind , about the plan that I want to do in college. I apologize for the errors in writing words and sentences. Thank you for reading my article .